1) As much detailed information about your trip such as the specific cities you will be staying in and the duration of your stay in each city.
2) A list of any medications you are taking (even non-prescription medications, or medications you take only occasionally).
3) Any immunization records you may have. If you do not have your immunization record, ask your family physician to fax our office a copy of your immunization record – our fax number at the Queen location is (416) 461-3129, our fax number at the Sheppard location is (416) 630-1323.
Alternatively, you may be able to obtain immunization records from the following link: Immunization Connect – City of Toronto. Coming prepared with your immunization record can save you money and time, that said if you can not get hold of your immunization record do not worry we can still proceed with the consultation.
4) Your health card.
5) Any information about your private health insurance (if applicable). We do not do direct billing for insurance, this is so you will be able to contact your insurance company to check your coverage following the consultation before vaccination.
Step 1: You will be asked to arrive with your completed Intake Form.
Step 2: One of our travel specialists will review this form with you and talk to you about specific vaccinations and medications recommended/required for your travel.
Step 3: You will receive your vaccinations. After receiving your vaccinations we require you to stay in the clinic for 15 minutes for observation. Yellow Fever requires a 30 minute stay.
In all this process takes 1-2 hours.
Yes, the following vaccines are required:
YELLOW FEVER VACCINE – Required for some countries in Africa and South America. *The Travel Vaccine Clinic can provide you with the International Certificate of Vaccination at your appointment.
MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE (against A, C, Y, W-135) – Required for Hajj visit to Saudi Arabia. *The Travel Vaccine Clinic can provide you with a Certificate of Vaccination. (According to the CDC website Hajj visas cannot be issued without proof of meningococcal vaccination see https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/yellowbook/2016/select-destinations/saudi-arabia-hajj-pilgrimage).
CHOLERA VACCINE – Required for some countries in Central and North Africa. Some local African authorities still demand cholera vaccination. Without proof of vaccination, they may insist on vaccination at the border upon your arrival. Since needles are reused in some areas, it is wise to vaccinate in Canada where effective oral vaccines are available and proper hygiene is used.
We are trained to deal with different medical conditions that could be aggravated by travelling.
Listed below are some conditions that we are up-to-date on:
Designated as a Yellow Fever Centre by the government of Canada, our clinic issues an official Yellow Fever Certificate as a proof of immunization so you can obtain your travel visa and/or pass through customs/immigration without problems. We follow the latest recommendations and requirements for all vaccines needed worldwide. In addition the staff and doctors will assist you in any cautioning regarding information on new diseases and epidemics that may be occurring. The clinic is equipped with the most up-to-date information and patient handouts.