Below destinations are comprised of countries with high likelihood of contracting diseases through water and food, blood and other bodily fluids, insects and animals. We offer detailed information per each destination – including specific diseases and vaccines that are available and can be obtained in our clinic.
Visit the Travel Notices section here to see latest notices and alerts.
A |
Afghanistan |
Albania |
Algeria |
Andorra |
Angola |
Anguilla |
Armenia |
Antarctica |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Argentina |
Aruba |
Australia |
Austria |
Azerbaijan |
Azores |
B |
Bahamas |
Bahrain |
Bangladesh |
Barbados |
Belarus |
Belgium |
Belize |
Benin |
Bhutan |
Bolivia |
Bonaire |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Brazil |
British Virgin Islands |
Brunei |
Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso |
Burma |
Burundi |
C |
Cambodia |
Cameroon |
Canada |
Cape Verde Islands |
Chad |
Chile |
China |
Christmas Island |
Colombia |
Comoros |
Costa Rica |
Cuba |
Curacao |
Cyprus |
Czech Republic |
M |
Macau |
Madagascar |
Madeira Islands |
Malawi |
Malaysia |
Maldives |
Mali |
Malta |
Marshall Islands |
Martinique |
Mauritania |
Mauritius |
Mayotte |
Mexico |
Micronesia |
Moldova |
Monaco |
Mongolia |
Montenegro |
Montserrat |
Morocco |
Mozambique |
N |
Namibia |
Nauru |
Nepal |
Netherlands |
New Caledonia |
New Zealand |
Nicaragua |
Niger |
Nigeria |
Niue |
Norfolk Island |
North Korea |
Northern Mariana Islands |
Norway |
O |
Oman |
Q |
Qatar |
T |
Taiwan |
Tajikistan |
Tanzania |
Thailand |
Timor Leste |
Togo |
Tokelau |
Tonga |
Trinidad and Tobago |
Tunisia |
Turkey |
Turkmenistan |
Tuvalu |
Y |
Yemen |